Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Diary as A Friend to Confide in

Not many people have a hobby of writing a diary. In fact, by expressing all the problems and issues into the diary, the emotional trauma faced be healed.

Four years ago Veronica Chapa severely depressed. She was heartbroken.Disappointed with his ex-girlfriend and wondered why he could choose a man like Johnny never had the slightest attention to him.

Do not want to make a mistake for the second time, she attended a therapy. The hope, with therapy that she could know themselves so that no one else in making decisions.Follow him in a therapy group wrote.
Because his background is a writer in the field of marketing, Vero, so 29-year-old girl was called, felt this therapy does not seem so difficult and would be easy to follow.However, allegations of Vero miss.

"I know, I just write on a blank paper provided, but yes it was really difficult to write about yourself", he said.

This workshop leader, Michele Weldon, author of a book called Writing to Save Your Life, has a simple solution for Vero, "Write a letter to yourself". Vero began to find the key. Then, she began to cry, a few minutes after writing two words on paper, reads, "Dear Veronica".

"Once those two words tertuliskan, immediately opened, fatigue, disappointment, and anxiety that I experienced. Everything seemed to flow and loose out uncontrollably, "said Vero.

Similar to Vero, this time coming from a student experience at a university in Jakarta.Call it the name Diane. 22 year old sweet girl tells a story. "Every time I have a problem, always make an entertainer who became friends are my diary," says this girl from Hyderabad.

This book, the story of Dian, was the outpouring of his heart. Whatever problems they experienced, Diane tells it all in words and writing. "Maybe it could be a novel if the whole story combined-join", he said.

And indeed, according to Diane, a diary is like a therapist who can cure all upset gulanda experienced. Disappointments and heart all the unpleasant feelings may gradually disappear as if being swallowed down by sheets of scented paper diary

Veronica and Diane are just a few examples of people trying to use writing as a way to get into her own. Only by taking a pen and write down everything, all matter is annoying and burdensome, turned into something more challenging, though, "So many people feel that they can and trouble started it all", said Natalie Goldberg, author of Writing Down the Bones.

However, like Veronica and Diana, the key is daring to begin. Naturally, we will find our writing style. Along with the popularity of this therapy, the psychologist then discovered that writing therapy can not be applied to every person. Another form of writing might be more useful in helping them achieve personal transformation.

"There is no singular form. Every person has the style and model respectively, "said James W. Pennebaker, a psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, United States. "In addition, the trauma experienced between people who each other are very different. Levels of difficulty and severity of the problem is different. "

However, according to James, writing mainly containing the phrase heart, for the author himself has a great potential in curing emotional imbalance. In fact, it could also reduce the symptoms that arise due to chronic illness.

Several years ago, James is a psychologist who is known as the author and initiator of the benefits of writing in healing emotional trauma. In his writings, James even mentions that the written form of expression of one's own heart can improve immune function.

In other studies, even found that asthma and arthritis can be suppressed and corrected by writing methods like this.

What exactly happens when you write that article seems to have extraordinary power to heal physical and psychological trauma? James says, when one begins to write all the emotions and experiences in a post, he seemed to put the whole experience was in a frame like you put a photo of yourself in a frame.

When it is, you can see clearly what problems you face. Writing, according to James, is a partial step toward acts of reflection. The hope, all problems will be analyzed or viewed again proportionately.

Philosophically, step writing gives the distance between yourself and the problem you are facing. The whole experience can be seen more clearly and you become obsessed by it.

By taking this distance, the healing process underway.

Let us begin now to write anything that happens in our lives as if she were talking to ourselves.

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